Feedback from previous Breathing for Calm training course participants

“I was really satisified with what I learned.”

“There was so much relevant and interesting information to absorb.”

“I think you are an excellent presenter, Nicola, very clear and I found the pace really good."

“I am so glad I did this course as, for the first time, I feel I can properly advice clients on how to use appropriate breathing techniques to help them reduce their anxiety, stress and panic attacks. Nicola is an excellent presenter and a teacher. As a respiratory physiotherapist, she is clearly very knowledgeable and yet, in this is course, she was able to tailor her vast knowledge to the most practical needs of therapists and their clients. The training was rich in both, information and practical experiential exercises. I will be, without hesitation, recommending this training to all my colleagues.”

“I feel that all sections were covered with a great care to help me practically in my counselling practice. As well as learning all the individual techniques, I also really appreciated the necessary precautions as well as clarification on when I can be of help to my clients and when it is best to signpost to specialists. Having a clear step-by-step guidance on how to successfully implement Breathing for calm in sessions with clients is a very much appreciated bonus.”

“I appreciated the generosity of Nicola sharing her expertise and experience. The course was stretching and I learned a lot but appropriate to me and my practice.“

“I am grateful for all the information I was given as all of it will be very useful. I especially really appreciated the red flag and boundaries which clearly defined for me where I can help and where I should be best referring on to a specialist (clarifying who to signpost to is also super helpful).”

“Nicola, you are very approachable, and being able to ask questions along the way was really helpful.”

"The training was excellent, clear and very well-paced."

“I have been able to use the learning and techniques on myself to shift my own breathing pattern to a healthier one. I feel more confident explaining to clients the benefits of breathwork and offering more tailored recovery techniques.”

“I feel that the training exceeded the expectations (and the expectations were high already). The training was excellent and will benefit many clients in my practice.”

“Being able to ask questions along the way was really helpful.  Nicola, you have a warm presence about you in your delivery, I found you easy to follow and approachable to ask.  Many thanks.”

“The practical application helped to solidify the factual info.”

“I really enjoyed all parts of the training as they nicely supported each other to present a solid ground for understanding breathing in terms of use with clients in psychotherapy/counselling.”

“I really liked the clear and well-explained section on polyvagal theory, made it very accessible to me, where I've struggled to fully get it in the past. And I loved doing all the breathing exercises, and the chance to give feedback, talk to other participants.”

“Really thorough but easy to understand with the way you explained it.  Really liked the practical part.”

“I thought the course was well designed to build from the anatomy.”

“I really enjoyed your training and I see a huge benefit of having breathing as a solid tool I can offer to my clients.”

“I thought your knowledge of the subject was excellent and you were really good at answering my questions. Thank you.”

“I really enjoyed the worksop and found it quite fascinating. We take breathing for granted and never really explore what it involves! I'm sure it will have a positive impact on my life. I am already more conscious of where i am breathing from. Thank you.”

“This was such a well thought through material and I am so glad I attended. Even though I have done some breath work before as part of other various trainings, this have given me in an depth understanding of this tool.”

“I really enjoyed the training… Nicola’s delivery was excellent; she was warm, calm and engaging - enabling group and individual learning whilst managing time. There were lots of demonstrations and plenty of opportunity to practise with others. It has positively changed my relationship with my breathing and recovery breathing techniques. Professionally, I have been able to put it into practice with others with confidence.”

“I liked the fact that we got to experience each kind of breathing for ourselves.”

“You are so knowledgeable and skilled.  Loved how considerate you were to everyone's needs. Thank you.”

“Nicola's expertise and experience as a respiratory physio and counsellor and her presentation style brought the training to life. It was helpful personally and professionally.